Common Building Foundation Problems

There are a number of different foundation problems that can occur. Some of the most common include:

  • Subsidence: This is when the ground beneath the foundation sinks, causing the foundation to move. Poor drainage, tree roots, and mining activity can cause subsidence.
  • Heaving: This is the opposite of subsidence, and it occurs when the ground beneath the foundation swells, causing the foundation to move upwards. Heaving can be caused by freezing and thawing, or by the expansion of clay soils.
  • Leaning: This occurs when one side of the foundation moves more than the other, causing the building to tilt. Leaning can be caused by subsidence, heaving, or other factors.
  • Cracks: Cracks in the foundation can be a sign of a number of different problems, including subsidence, heaving, and structural damage.

What to Do If You Find Foundation Problems

If the surveyor finds any foundation problems, you will need to decide whether to proceed with the purchase of the home. If you decide to proceed, you will need to factor the cost of repairs into your budget.

In some cases, minor problems can be easily repaired. However, in other cases, the problems may be more serious and require more extensive repairs.

If you are concerned about the cost of foundation repairs, you may want to consider getting a quote from a structural engineer. A structural engineer can assess the severity of the foundation problems and provide you with an estimate of the cost of repairs.

How to Prevent Foundation Problems

For example, there are a number of things you can do to help prevent such problems.

  • Good drainage: Make sure that the ground around your home drains properly. This will help to prevent water from pooling around the foundation and causing it to weaken.
  • Tree removal: Have trees near your home removed if you consider it necessary. Tree roots can grow into the foundation and cause it to move.
  • Foundation inspection: Have your foundation inspected regularly by a qualified professional. This will help to identify any problems early on before they become serious.

Foundation problems can be serious, but they can be prevented or repaired. By being aware of the potential problems and taking steps to prevent them, you can help to keep your home safe and sound.